March 4, 2025
40 Days for Life spring prayer campaign begins Ash Wednesday
By Carolee McGrath

Bishop William D. Byrne leads the rosary in front of Planned Parenthood Oct. 28, 2024 during the 40 Days for Life campaign. (IObserve photo)
SPRINGFIELD – The spring campaign of the 40 Days for Life is scheduled for March 5-April 13. The pro-life campaign is an ecumenical effort which relies on peaceful, prayerful witness in front of the Western Massachusetts Health Center of Springfield, operated by the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts.
Reports state more than 25,000 babies have been saved from abortion since the launch of the international campaign in 2007. Locally, organizers report they know of at least 26 babies who have been saved.
People can sign up with their parishes or as individuals to cover hours in front of the clinic.
“The 40 Days for Life offers us a wonderful opportunity to stand for the most vulnerable among us – the unborn. And as we pray for their protection, we also pray for their moms and dads, and we walk with them. Here in the western Massachusetts, there are many organizations that offer families in crisis support and love,” said Father Daniel Pacholec, director of Pro-Life Activities for the Diocese of Springfield. Father Pacholec is also the pastor of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Westfield.
Among the pregnancy care centers in the Diocese of Springfield which help women are Bethlehem House in Easthampton; Springfield Pregnancy Care; New Direction Women’s Center in Pittsfield and Alternatives in Greenfield. Clearway Clinic in Springfield is a licensed, non-profit medical clinic specializing in pregnancy diagnosis, offering medical confirmation and free ultrasounds.
Father Pacholec emphasized the campaign is about changing hearts and minds.
“Lent reminds all of us that everyone is called to conversion. We pray for the conversion of all hearts on the issue of abortion. We know for certain that prayer is powerful. And we trust, that our loving Savior, who was willing to sacrifice his very life for us, will hear our prayers and give us the courage to be loving witnesses for life in the public square,” Father Pacholec said.
Springfield Bishop William D. Byrne will also be leading people in prayer downtown throughout the campaign.
For more information about the campaign and other pro-life activities, visit the Respect Life Office webpage at
To sign up as an individual or a parish, go to