December 29, 2024

Youth of the diocese ‘prepare the way of the Lord’ during Advent

Staff report

St. Cecilia’s youth group, joined by members of the Pope Francis hockey team, sang Christmas carols for the Wilbraham Fire Department, Sunday Dec. 22. (IObserve photo/Carolee McGrath)

SPRINGFIELD – Youth across the Diocese of Springfield spent Advent and the Christmas season ‘preparing the way for the Lord,’ through their outreach and witness. Through Christmas pageants, toy drives, Christmas caroling and community service, children and teenagers showed what it means to ‘make room at the inn’ for Jesus.

“The children were so excited to have prepared such a special gift to present to their families and friends,” said Beth Hawley, the principal of St. Thomas the Apostle School in West Springfield. Students from St. Thomas presented a Christmas pageant, Dec. 11 in the church adjacent to the school.

“The children work especially hard knowing this is a time of giving and the pageant is a special gift for their families. On the following day in the school’s gymnasium, our preschoolers sang Christmas songs to a large gathering of families and school students. As a Catholic school, our identity is especially evident when the children prepare and present such meaningful performances. The reverence and joy expressed by our children as they perform for their families gives witness to the daily teachings and examples in our classrooms,” she said.

St. Michael’s Academy in Springfield had more than 400 students participate in two Christmas pageant performances, Dec. 10-11, at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Springfield.

“Their joyful presentation warmed the heart and put smiles on all our faces. The church was full of happy people,” said St. Michael’s Academy principal, Ann Dougal.

“The Christmas Pageant is one of those precious rewards for all of us who work so hard to raise faith filled children. The true joy left in our hearts after the pageant affirms our commitment to the mission. Now we just need to turn around and share that true joy with others,” she said.

Students from St. Michael’s Academy in Springfield presented the story of the Nativity in their annual Christmas pageant in December at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Springfield (IObserve photo/Courtesy of St. Michael’s Academy)

Several schools and parishes across the diocese also held Christmas pageants. The tradition of children retelling the Nativity story documented in Luke’s Gospel dates back to 1223. St. Francis of Assisi created the first-ever living Nativity scene in Greccio, Italy with townspeople and friars. Since then, living Nativity scenes and pageants have become a Catholic tradition.

From Christmas pageants to community service, youth spread joy this season. Pope Francis Preparatory School in Springfield and Mater Dolorosa School in Holyoke, collected toys for local charities. Students from St. Stanislaus Kostka School in Adams collected Christmas gifts for the retired Felician sisters. The Felician Sisters were an “integral part” of the school community from 1912-2019.

St. Mary High School in Westfield hosted several activities including an Advent Holy Hour and confessions for the school community, in addition to the diocesan Advent youth retreat, Saturday, Dec. 14. The students were also involved in community service.

“We had the kids write Christmas cards to veterans and delivered more than 200 to the Holyoke Soldiers Home,” said Matt Collins, the principal of St. Mary High School. “Also, the high school choir also performed at the Christmas bazaar,” Collins said.

Teens from St. Cecilia Parish youth group in Wilbraham made more than 100 cards for the nearby Vantage Nursing Home. They also set out for a night of Christmas caroling, teaming up with the Pope Francis hockey team. The large group sang for both the police and fire departments and made meals for both night shifts. They also visited the homes of elderly parishioners. 

“Caroling for youth group gives us a chance to remind ourselves and others of the reason of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus,” said Dillon Shea, a member of St. Cecilia’s youth group. “It’s a way for us to enjoy the festive season while also spreading God’s love and our appreciation in our community,” he said.

The Berkshire County Youth Group poses for a picture on a recent outing to La Salette Shrine in Attleboro, Mass. (IObserve photo/courtesy of Marya Makuc)

Youth were busy in the Berkshires, as well.

“We helped packed boxes for Operation Christmas Child, caroled at the local nursing home and helped host a cookie walk fundraiser for the new Genesis Ministry,” said Marya Makuc, the director of youth ministry for the Matthew 5 Berkshire County Youth Group, which is based out of St. Ann Parish in Lenox.

As 2024 comes to a close, there are several youth activities planned for the Jubilee Year including a youth rally, Feb. 8 at Pope Francis Preparatory School. The featured speaker is Bishop Joseph Espaillat, from the Archdiocese of New York. Known as New York’s rapping priest, he hosts a podcast “Sainthood in the City.”

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