April 2, 2024

Catholic speaker Robert Rogers to share message of hope in the midst of tragedy

Staff report


SPRINGFIELD – Catholic author and speaker Robert Rogers, who lost his entire family in a flood, will share his heart wrenching story and how God restored his hope on Divine Mercy Sunday at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Westfield, Sunday, April 7 at 1:30 p.m. He also will speak Monday, April 8 at 6:30 p.m. at Christ the King Parish in Ludlow. Rogers’ ministry is called, Mighty in the Land, and teaches people to “know God and live a life of no regrets.”

In 2003, Rogers, his wife, and four young children, two boys and two girls, were driving home from a wedding when a flash flood overtook their mini-van. Rogers, who lost everything in an instant, now shares his story of hope with audiences worldwide.

“On Divine Mercy Sunday at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, I’ll be sharing about trust, Jesus I trust in you, challenging those who come to place their absolute trust in Jesus through all of the detours, difficulties, delays, and hardships in life,” said Rogers who has written several books including, “Rise Above,” and “7 Steps to No Regrets.”

“I’ll strive to challenge each one of us to self-examine our personal faith and ask the probing question, ‘Do I fully trust God – absolutely, no matter what happens?’” he continued.

Rogers has since remarried and has four children.

“God is a God of restoration. In 2003, my precious wife, 2 mighty sons, and 2 lovely daughters drowned in the Kansas flash-flood. Now, by the grace of God, He has blessed me with a precious wife, 2 mighty sons, and 2 lovely daughters. This can only be the hand of God. I cherish my family on earth and in Heaven more than words can contain,” he shared on his website.

Mighty in the Land is a worldwide, ecumenical ministry. Rogers, an accomplished musician, worship leader and songwriter, also incorporates music into his presentations.

“There are so many people today who are struggling with loss and suffering. I see it every day as a deacon. Our faith, hope, and love are being tested so severely at times. And Robert’s Job-like story of catastrophic loss and restoration through God’s great mercy and fidelity is exactly the sort of inspiring message we need to hear,” said Deacon Michael Forrest, who is assigned to Christ the King Parish in Ludlow.

“We’re deeply grateful to be having him speak at Christ the King parish. Robert’s story goes to the heart of the message of Divine Mercy: Jesus, I trust in you,” he said.

A video version of this story can be found here
