March 10, 2023

Diocese of Springfield launches 2023 Annual Catholic Appeal

Staff report

Students at St. Agnes Academy in Dalton meet with musician/songwriter Mary Verdi after appearing in Verdi’s music video, “Every Praise.” The largest portion of ACA funding goes to the diocese’s Catholic school students. (iObserve photo/David Martin)


SPRINGFIELD – The Diocese of Springfield has launched the 2023 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) with the theme of “Radiate the Light of Christ.”

The goal of this year’s collection is $3 million, which will support community-based agencies, and diocesan services and ministries. The largest portion of funding goes to Catholic education by way of financial support of students in the 14 elementary and secondary schools in the diocese.

“This Lenten season I look to you and ask you to be a light for others, shining in a world seemingly overcome by darkness,” said Springfield Bishop William D. Byrne in a letter to Catholics across the diocese.

“Your faithful stewardship of the Annual Catholic Appeal is a beacon of light on a mountain,” the bishop said.

In 2022, ACA donations totaled $3,002,312.53. This was the first time the ACA had reached its goal in 20 years.

“It’s all because 17,836 people contributed to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Their gifts may have been $10, $10 a month, they may have been big donors, but they all make up the tapestry that makes the Annual Catholic Appeal possible,” said Kathy Harrington, ACA manager.

Among the community-based agencies supported by the ACA are Homework House in Holyoke; Womanshelter/Companeras in Holyoke; and Bethlehem House in Easthampton.

“We also have, new this year, Louison House up in North Adams which helps families that are on the verge of becoming homeless or homeless, and the Michael J. Dias Foundation which offers housing for men who are in recovery trying to remain sober,” said Harrington.

The ACA was initiated in 1959 and currently helps to fund more than 43 agencies, ministries and services. Contributions can be made at
