April 13, 2022

Bishop Byrne celebrates chrism Mass, thanks priests

Story and photo by Carolee McGrath


SPRINGFIELD – The priests and deacons of the Diocese of Springfield joined Bishop William D. Byrne for the annual chrism Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral, Tuesday, April 12 at 11 a.m. The Mass also was livestreamed on

The chrism Mass is held during Holy Week throughout the world. During the Mass, the bishop consecrates the oil of chrism and blesses the oil of the sick and the oil of catechumens. The oils are used in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, the anointing of the sick and holy orders in parishes all across the diocese throughout the year.

The chrism Mass is also a time to renew priestly vows.

“On this day my brothers, when we gather to celebrate the great gift of our priesthood and renew our promises, I would like to thank you. These past 15 months have been a challenge, a learning curve, and an absolute joy,” Bishop Byrne told the priests during his homily.

“Every morning, as I sit in my chapel doing my prayers, I know we’ve been through challenges but I know I’m exactly where God wants me to be. I want to thank you for your warm welcome,” he said.

Bishop Byrne reminded the congregation of the need to pray for more vocations. There is currently one seminarian in priestly formation for the Diocese of Springfield.

The bishop also spoke of his great joy in serving the Lord as a priest and now as a bishop.

“The spirit of the Lord reminds me that the priesthood is not mine, it’s Jesus’ priesthood in and through me,” he said.

After the Mass the oils were poured into containers to be taken back to each parish.

A video version of this story will be on an upcoming edition of “Real to Reel” which airs Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. on WWLP-22 NEWS.
