March 9, 2022

Catholic Charities Agency welcomes two new staff members

By Sharon Roulier



SPRINGFIELD – The Catholic Charities Agency of the Diocese of Springfield announced this week the addition of two new staff members to the nonprofit social service organization.

Elizabeth Richter has joined the team as a data administrator; and Baryalai Haibat has begun serving as a case worker in the Office of Immigration, Migration and Refugee Services.

In her role, Richter, a native of the Boston metropolitan area and current Springfield resident, will focus on tracking grants as well as facilitating payroll and billing for the agency.

“I’m excited to be in the Catholic Charities Office helping people,” said Richter, “even if it is just behind the scenes.”

Haibat, a native of Afghanistan, will be providing case management to newly arrived refugees. He and his wife and son recently arrived in the United States after fleeing Afghanistan in mid-August 2021 following the collapse of the government and subsequent takeover by the Taliban.

The Catholic Charities Agency works with individuals, families, parishes, and communities to help them meet their needs, identify their strengths, address oppression, and overcome barriers to build a just and compassionate society. The agency is funded in part through donations from the Annual Catholic Appeal of the Diocese of Springfield.
