January 20, 2022

Hundreds turn out in Springfield for local Mass and March for Life

Story and photos by Carolee McGrath


SPRINGFIELD – About 200 people, many of them youth, attended the Diocese of Springfield’s annual Mass and March for Life. Springfield Bishop William D. Byrne celebrated the 10 a.m. Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Springfield.

Pope Francis Preparatory School in Springfield, along with Pro-Life of Pioneer Valley, Inc., helped to organize the Mass and march which followed.

The local event and the March for Life in Washington, D.C., which is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 21, commemorate the 49th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s controversial Roe vs. Wade decision, which legalized abortion on demand.

Students from Pope Francis were joined by students from St. Mary High School in Westfield, Catholic homeschoolers, and students from local parishes.

I’m part of the Respect Life Club at our school, which is a great way to get involved. It’s really important to spread the message,” said Jacob Proulx, a senior at Pope Francis. “I was lucky to do the Prayers of the Faithful, which prayed for everyone affected by abortion.”

In addition to members of the Pope Francis Respect Life Club, students in the school’s Christian Leadership class participated in the Mass as lectors, altar servers, and musicians.

“Life is so precious, innocent. With Pope Francis Prep, St Mary’s being here, a lot of youth here, which is awesome, we have to keep spreading it around and keep fighting for life,” said Julia Rubin, a Pope Francis sophomore.

In his homily, Bishop Byrne mentioned that since Roe v. Wade was decided, more than 64 million babies have been aborted in the United States. He also spoke of the trauma suffered by women and men after a past abortion. He said love and mercy are the only way forward.

“What we’re talking about is conversion and converting our culture, but that conversion begins with our own heart – always to seek Christ in the other,” said Bishop Byrne.

After Mass, those gathered walked to Springfield City Hall where students recited pro-life quotes and the bishop led the crowd in prayer. Those unable to walk stayed in the cathedral to pray the rosary.

“It’s a life. Every life matters,” said Thomas Baillargeon, a sophomore at St. Mary High School. One of eight children, Baillargeon is actively involved in both youth and pro-life ministry, attending the national march in Washington, D.C., in previous years.

“It’s really important to support life. I believe it, so many other people believe it,” he said.

The march was not only attended by Catholics, but by many people from the wider western Massachusetts community involved in pro-life ministry.

“Christ said, ‘As I did, you do likewise,’” said Pastor Constant Cooley, pastor of the United Temple Church of God in Christ in Springfield. “Christ advocated for every soul, every soul that is born of God has to be advocated for.”

In addition to abortion, prayers were offered throughout the morning for the elderly and sick, and for all life from conception to natural death.

“Like bishop was saying, we’re all human and God created every one with a specific talent and gift,” said Katie Corriveau, a freshman at St. Mary High School. “What does that say about us if we take that away from people?”

The annual bus trip to the national March for Life in Washington, D.C., sponsored by Pioneer Valley Massachusetts Citizens for Life (PV-MCFL), has been canceled due to the surge in COVID cases, although some groups are still going.

As the Roe vs. Wade anniversary approaches, the U.S. Supreme Court is considering Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health. The case hinges on a Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks.

“It’s about allowing love to manifest itself in the children that God creates,” said Father Daniel Pacholec, director of pro-life activities for the Springfield Diocese and pastor of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Westfield. “That love, we can’t stifle it. We have to support that life and love coming into the world.”

A video version of this story will be featured on the Jan. 22 edition of “Real to Reel,” which airs Saturday evenings at 7 on WWLP-22NEWS.
