September 25, 2021
Bishop Byrne appoints Msgr. Bonzagni, Father Stelzer co-vicars for clergy
Staff report

Msgr. John Bonzagni (left) and Father Mark Stelzer are pictured in this composite photo. (Catholic Communications file photos)
SPRINGFIELD – Springfield Bishop William D. Byrne has appointed Msgr. John Bonzagni and Father Mark Stelzer co-vicars for clergy for a term of five years, effective Oct. 1.
“I am grateful to both for accepting this new responsibility in addition to their current duties and assignments,” Bishop Byrne said in a memo to diocesan staff.
Msgr. Bonzagni and Father Stelzer will succeed Fathers Christopher Malatesta and Robert Gentile, who are completing their term of office.
Bishop Byrne expressed appreciation for Fathers Malatesta and Gentile, saying, “I am also thankful to Father Chris Malatesta and Father Bob Gentile, who are completing their term of office and who have done great work as the co-vicars. I am sincerely grateful to them, particularly for their wisdom and insight in my first year as bishop.”
Msgr. Bonzagni currently serves as pastor of St. Ann Parish, Lenox; St. Patrick Parish, West Stockbridge; and St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Lenox Dale. He holds a degree in canon law from The Catholic University in Washington, D.C., and a juris doctor degree from Western New England School of Law and has served for many years in the diocesan Tribunal as a judge and co-judicial vicar.
Born in West Springfield, Msgr. Bonzagni is a native of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish there. He is a graduate of Cathedral High School and received a bachelor of arts degree in physics from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., and a master’s degree in educational administration from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (then North Adams State College).
Msgr. Bonzagni’s diocesan positions also have included co-director of the Vocation Apostolate; director of the Catholic Schools of Pittsfield; Presbyteral Council; Clergy Commission; director of pastoral planning; College of Consultors; and Deacon Council.
Father Stelzer is well known as a professor of humanities at the College of Our Lady of the Elms in Chicopee and recently served as administrator of St. Jerome Parish in Holyoke. He also presently serves as the dean of the Greater Holyoke Deanery.
A native of Springfield, Father Stelzer is a graduate of Cathedral High School and American International College. He did graduate studies at Weston School of Theology and earned a doctorate of sacred theology at The Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
Father Stelzer’s diocesan appointments have included director of the Catholic Schools of Pittsfield; chaplain for Elms College; dean of the Hampden Central Deanery; Permanent Diaconate Formation and Ministry Board; Censor Librorum; coordinator of the Diocesan Vocation Awareness Team; Presbyteral Council; Committee for Continuing Education, Formation and Support of Priests; and dean of the Greater Holyoke Deanery. He also served as acting president of Elms College from 2003-2005.
In concluding his announcement of the new appointments, Bishop Byrne stated, “Please pray for our new co-vicars and for all our dedicated priests.”