August 9, 2020

Holyoke parishes to explore coming together, creating new faith community

Staff report

A composite image shows photos of St. Jerome Church (left) and Sacred Heart Church, now the site of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish (right). (Catholic Communications file photos)


HOLYOKE – A proposed initiative to bring together Holyoke’s Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Jerome parishes into a single multi-cultural faith community was to be announced at all weekend Masses, Aug. 8 and 9.

The announcement came after a July 29 meeting of diocesan officials, including Archbishop Mitchell T. Rozanski, apostolic administrator of the Springfield Diocese, along with clergy and lay leaders of the three parishes, in which there was general consensus to move ahead with developing a plan.

Archbishop Rozanski fully endorsed the effort and encouraged continuing the dialogue so that a plan might be ready when his successor is eventually named.

“I am so happy to see these parishes take the initiative to develop a plan for their future, one which I am sure will lead to the creation of a new and dynamic faith community in Holyoke,” Archbishop Rozanski stated.

He went on to say that even before a new Springfield Diocese bishop is named, the parishes can begin collaborating and sharing space. As an initial step, at the July 29 meeting, Father Mark Stelzer, administrator of St. Jerome Parish, gave a key to that church to Father Yerick Mendez, pastor of both Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe parishes.

Immaculate Conception Church, Holyoke(Catholic Communications file photo)

In a joint statement to be read at all weekend Masses, the two parish leaders stated, “With Archbishop Rozanski’s blessing and encouragement we will continue to explore this wonderful opportunity to create a new dynamic and multi-cultural Catholic community, where all will be welcomed. There clearly are many details to be discussed and acted upon, but the consensus was that we should move ahead.”

Also discussed was greater collaboration with nearby Mater Dolorosa School and Our Lady of the Cross Parish. Conventual Franciscan Father Albert Scherer, pastor of Our Lady of the Cross, hosted the July 29 meeting at the St. John Paul II Social Center. Representatives from the Our Lady of the Cross parish and school communities also were in attendance.
