June 1, 2019

Diocese of Springfield welcomes three new priests

Story by Carolee McGrath


Springfield Bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski stands with newly ordained priests, Father Paul Norma, Father John Duy Le and Father Dennis Skowera after their ordination, Saturday, June 1, at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Springfield. (IObserve photo/Fred LeBlanc)

SPRINGFIELD — Surrounded by family, friends and parishioners from across the Diocese of Springfield, three transitional deacons processed up the aisle of St. Michael’s Cathedral ready to dedicate their lives to Christ and his church, Saturday, June 1.

Springfield Bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski was the principal celebrant for the special 11 a.m. Mass, called the Rite of Ordination, in which he ordained Deacons Paul Norman, Dennis Skowera, and John Duy Le to the priesthood. 

“It’s a wonderful day for the diocese as we add three new priests to help serve our people. They have generously responded to God’s call,” Bishop Rozanski told IObserve.

The ordination rite begins with the calling of the candidate. Bishop Rozanski asks about the worthiness of the candidates. As the rite continued, the congregation sang the Litany of Saints while the candidates lie prostrate on the altar. This is a sign of total submission to God.

This was followed by the Laying On of Hands, the most solemn part of the ceremony.

“Basically I’m going to be submitting to the Lord and his will,” said Father Skowera, who has been assigned to St. Anne Parish in Chicopee.

Father Skowera was married for 31 years. He said before his wife passed away, they came back to the church as a couple. After she died, he began to consider the call to the priesthood.

 “Whatever the Lord wants, how he wants to use me on a particular day in each person’s life, that’s up to him. I’m just going to be myself,” he said.

(IObserve photo/Fred LeBlanc)

Father Norman is a registered nurse and has worked with children with disabilities. He has been assigned to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Northampton.

“I’m very excited, but I also feel unworthy. I think that’s the reality of this call, this vocation to the priesthood is that we’re all unworthy of this call but God calls us despite ourselves,” said Father Norman. “And so to just give thanks to almighty God for this vocation, for this blessing of this day, and for, God willing, a long and joyful ministry.”

Father Duy Le grew up in Vietnam. He said he felt called as he started to question his faith in college. He has been assigned to Mary Mother of the Church Parish in Lee.

“I don’t have any feeling right now. I guess I’m nervous in a sense but not exactly because all of the promises were made already,” said Father Duy Le. “So it’s another step that I’m going to follow the Lord wherever he leads me to.”

There are currently seven men in priestly formation for the Diocese of Springfield. Father Michael Wood and Father David Darcy are the co-directors of vocations.

“It is exciting for these three men who are ordained this morning at St. Michael’s Cathedral, but it’s an exciting day for the diocese because the diocese has three new priests,” said Father Wood. “It means three men who will be saying Mass, who will be anointing the sick, who will be hearing the confessions of those who need God’s forgiveness, being at the bedside of those who are dying, offering God’s consolation, peace and grace. So, not only is it an exciting day for them and for the vocation office, but it’s an exciting day for the diocese.”

Coverage of the ordination and profiles of the new priests will be featured on this weekend’s edition of “Real to Reel,” which airs Saturday evening, June 1, at 7 on WWLP-22NEWS and in the Berkshires Sunday morning, June 2, at 5:30 on Albany’s Fox 23, WXXA.
