April 30, 2019

Chicopee native ordained as a Franciscan priest at his home parish

Story and photos by Nick Morganelli

Father Christopher Dudek (third from right) poses with his parents, Bishop Rozanski, Father Benedict Abugu and his mother following the April 27 ordination liturgy at St. Stanislaus Basilica.


CHICOPEE – Something happened on Saturday, April 27, at St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Basilica in Chicopee that hasn’t occurred in the past 10 years: an ordination to the priesthood for a Franciscan friar.

Conventual Franciscan Father Benedict Abugu, a native of Nigeria and currently residing in England, and Conventual Franciscan Father Christopher Dudek, a native of Chicopee, both took their vows with hundreds in attendance.

Springfield Bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski was the chief celebrant. He was joined by several deacons and nearly 40 priests.

Conventual Franciscan Father Michael Zielke, Father Dudek’s former pastor, recalls his altar serving at his home parish. He spoke about young Christopher’s great love, devotion and attention to the Mass, and how he (Father Zielke) encouraged him to become a Franciscan priest. “Of course, vocation seeds are planted by mom and dad and his grandparents, and it grew here at the basilica as he grew in wisdom and grace in the Holy Spirit,” Father Zielke added.

Chester and Linda Dudek, Father Dudek’s parents, told us how their son wanted to sit in the front row at Mass as a toddler and they said, “If you’re going to be quiet, okay, no problem.” They spoke about his involvement at St. Stanislaus through his teenage years and how his time at The Catholic University in Washington, D.C., led him to missionary work in Guatemala and Honduras.

Father Dudek’s theological studies took him to Italy, where he learned Italian in addition to Spanish. Father Dudek’s parents, along with his grandmother, godparents, and extended family members, are overjoyed about his ordination.

Newly ordained Conventual Franciscan Father Christopher Dudek blesses a parishioner in the St. Stanislaus Basilica parish center.

Conventual Franciscan Father Joseph Bayne explained that Father Dudek has been part of Our Lady of the Angels Province and this past year, in his diaconate year, the parish was blessed to have him there for holidays.

“He is so young and full of energy,” said Father Bayne. “I don’t just believe, I know he will be passionate and outspoken in the positive sense. And he is already teaching in Baltimore at my alma mater and he’s great with the kids and they love him even though he’s tough.”

Father Bayne went on to say, “He’s already a great preacher. He preaches from the heart and really touches the people. I’m psyched for this new friar priest!”

Father Dudek’s first Mass was held at the basilica at 4 p.m. on the same day as his ordination.

A video version of this story will be featured on an upcoming edition of “Real to Reel,” which airs Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. on WWLP-22NEWS and in the Berkshires Sunday mornings at 5:30 on Albany’s Fox 23, WXXA.

Below are additional photos from the April 27 ordination liturgy:



All clergy extend their hands as Bishop Rozanski offers a final blessing for the newly ordained priests.

A close-up of Father Abugu’s hands after they were anointed with the sacred chrism and adorned with the cloth.

Fathers Christopher Dudek and Benedict Abugu lie prostrate as the Litany of Supplication is performed.
