March 8, 2019
YEAR FOR VOCATIONS: Seminarian Stanislaus Achu
During this Year for Vocations in the Springfield Diocese, Catholic Communications has invited seminarians and priests, both active and retired, to participate in a “mini-survey” by submitting answers to three questions. Their answers will be posted in The Catholic Mirror, on and the Catholic Communications Facebook page, and in the Parish Packet for use in parish bulletins.
Here are the responses from seminarian Stanislaus Achu, a third-year theology student at St. John Seminary in Brighton, Mass.
- What gives you the most joy as a seminarian?
Among other things that make my life as a seminarian joyful is getting to know that a lot of people are praying for me, for my perseverance in my vocation to the Catholic priesthood and that God will help me be a good and holy priest for them and for the Diocese of Springfield. Whenever I remember this, I am instantly filled with joy, knowing that by God’s grace, when I become a priest, I will help to bring Jesus to all people who long for him and to bring them, too, to Jesus Christ.
- What do you find most inspiring about the Catholic faith?
The fact that the Catholic Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic is the most inspiring thing, I think. She is one and the same everywhere you go in the world and confesses one faith. She is holy because her founder, Jesus Christ, is holy and, her holiness shines in Mary and all the saints. She is catholic because she is everywhere, universal. And she is apostolic because Jesus Christ governs her through St. Peter and the apostles represented in their successors, in the persons of the pope and the bishops.
- What gives you hope for the future of vocations in the Catholic Church?
God is alive and he is active in our world today and he hears all the prayers that we make to him. The whole church and the people of God, especially in our Diocese of Springfield, at almost every Mass, pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, religious and married life. I am very convinced that God hears our prayers because he told us to “Ask and you shall receive….” So, as we persistently ask him in this Year for Vocations in our diocese and, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Vocations, the future of vocations in the Catholic Church will be bright, fruitful and hopeful.